Day 20: Leaving the City

So, it's been a while.  Sadly, we left Paris on Day 12 of The Lockdown as things deteriorated in the United States.  We felt very safe in Paris, and we feared exposure while traveling.  But it was just too hard to be so far from family, especially our kids.

We miss the Cite Universitaire campus.

And the well stocked stores.

But as we scrambled to pack up our apartment, find flights that actually flew, and locate housing in Boulder (our house is rented until the end of June), we still found a way to enjoy Paris.  We created scavenger hunt-like challenges for the other families still at the Cite ... finding tucked-away sculptures or architectural features on campus, emailing out photos, and leaving prizes for the person(s) who first sent us selfies with each feature.

And before we left, I recorded the nightly cheers for the medical warriors... As I understand it, these nightly celebrations of the bravery of our medical providers on the frontlines began in Italy, moved to Spain and France, and has since spread throughout the world.

(It's louder in more crowded areas of Paris....).

Now that we are back in Boulder, we haven't heard any nightly cheering, but we have seen one family's way of sending the same message.

I hope that too spreads.


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